Translation of volume 1 of the Book of Ghadir

Book of Al-Ghadir

A summary of the author’s words

in the name of God

It is not a secret to the speakers and masters of knowledge that compiling and preparing this book is the result of many years of life and suffering that I have endured to call this collection in the name of service and politeness and in order to raise the flag of the culture of the Holy Quran. I made the culture of pure religion and the beauty of God available to people of insight. Those who read this wonderful discussion carefully will know what hardships I faced to complete this service. I am confident that the reading of this book will stimulate the sense of gratitude of every scientist and interested person and thanks to the great effort and effort used in this way, they will help me in publishing it. I pray to the almighty God for the knowledge and supporters of truth and virtue who have supported me with courage and courage in the implementation of this holy program and will continue to offer success and stability.

Amini – Najafi